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    1. R

      WTS: Lee Enfield No. 2 Mark IV 22RF

      Hello, Whats the date on the receiver and do the serial numbers match? Thanks!
    2. R

      Desiring Smaller .22 Pocket Pistol

      May be a bit OT for this tread, but you can get a nice Beretta Mod. 70 from a 1/2 dozen different surplus venders. pain to cut the fake suppressor, but durable in an evening. and you're left with a light weight, reasonably compact, accurate Beretta for good price point. I have a Mod 71 in .380...
    3. R

      Constant companion

      Probably a tad off topic for what's being addressed here, but I carry a small or mid-sized auto (Beretta, PPK, Officers 1911) in my attache'. Outside panel, easy access, no shadow. Not as fast a pocket, and surely it doesn't travel to the bathroom with me, but I know where it is and am well...
    4. R

      HELP! need info on carry reciprocity before i leave in the morning

      State law trumps reciprocity from my understanding- so I'd weight the pro's and con's carefully. Ronn
    5. R

      Swedish Carl Gustafs M/41B sniper rifle

    6. R

      Berthier Model 1916

      Bravo!!! I walked past that same gun many times, and picked it up twice at the show-but the beretta got me in the end. Glad it went to someone who appreciates her! Ronn
    7. R

      Advice on AR-15 Triggers Anyone?

      Good price on a 2 stage Geissele ($109) from DMPS Triggers
    8. R

      Black Friday gun show

      Sold my P-64 in the first 5 mins, which made the Beretta Mod 71s (380) i bought less than $200. any day I get another Beretta is a good day :-) Ronn
    9. R

      Black Friday Appointment?

      Best of Luck!!!
    10. R

      Black Friday gun show

      I was planning on attending--looking for an entry level AR (M&P Sport II I think).
    11. R

      10 firearm deals for black friday

      I'm aiming to buy a S&W M&P Sport II tomorrow (was going to get the DMPS @ Cabela's for $499, but I think the M&P is a better rifle)-- where do you think I'll find the best deal tomorrow --Friday? Point Blank in Carmel has them for $599 Ronn
    12. R

      Best midlife crisis car?

      This one has worked well for me ;-)
    13. R

      Home Defense CQB - AR vs. Pistol

      I think size of living space, proximity or other occupied spaces (like duplex or an apt vs SFH or rural), and floorplan (say a "railroad"style apt vrs the home full of nooks) have a barring on choice, in addition to personal experience/training/familiarity with platform. I don't have an AR...
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      Midway is having a BF giveaway!

      Fingers crossed ;-)
    15. R

      Early 1911

      Nor am I an expert, but this might help... Types of Finishes found on 1911/1911A1s: (Serial number ranges are approximant) Colt 1 to 2400: Bright furnace blued, Slide and receiver highly polished. Certain small parts have a high polished bright Fire blued (Cobalt Color) appearance. "Oil...
    16. R

      Best Way to Concealed Carry w/o wearing baggy clothes

      I've found the two items below very handy, albeit only for smaller, lighter arms (I carry either a PPK or a Beretta 71). The Barsoney goes in my jacket pocket (breast if sport coat--but in warm weather, I MIGHT try it in my front. The TufForce I use when I'm bicycling, it's nice because you can...
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      Show me your motorcycle!

      This is my 2007 GSX1250F (Bandit by any other name). I've got a Corbin seat, lower, wider bars, and I mounted a set of Give bags via my own custom mounts. It keeps the bulk of the luggage weight over the rear axle, which really improves handling (but eliminates the passenger pegs). It has a...
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      Show me your motorcycle!

      You, are a brave man--I salute you :-)
    19. R

      Nice vacation in Indiana

      I ride my motorcycle around the state and road closures just seem to pop out of nowhere (36, 9, 1, etc). If you come back soon, and tripe from Madison down Hywy 56 along the Ohio is very scenic and lots of shops for the ladies (which may not be a good thing for your wallet;-). IN Madison the red...
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