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    1. Typhon1390

      M&P vs Glock

      I've owned a Gen 3 Glock 22 and a Gen 4 Glock 19, as well as an M&P40c. I don't think there's any difference in reliability, durability, whatever between them. I just like how the M&P feels better. Hold them both, see what you like, you can't go wrong.
    2. Typhon1390

      Walmart vs LGS

      Call me a jerk, but I wouldn't lament the loss of LGS for the most part. My experience with them by and large has been very negative. I have to believe that I'm treated differently because I'm young because I can't imagine treating your customer base the way I've been generally a sustainable...
    3. Typhon1390

      3 b/fs die shielding g/fs during massacre

      From what I've read it was actually 4, the 4th being PO3 John Larimer. And personally I don't give a **** what you say you'd do in this situation or what you think I'd do. Talk is cheap, especially on the internet. Heroes don't talk, they do, as these men did. Women Who Survived Theater...
    4. Typhon1390

      School me on Crown Vic Police Interceptors

      I guess used cars are more expensive than they used to be, but I had an 03 back in 2007 and paid less than that. I also had to pay to repaint it though from two-tone Sheriff colors. For the mileage and the condition of the car I'd take it you want it. They're very reliable cars, fun to drive...
    5. Typhon1390

      Apache death... Send the kids to bed

      Makes me wish the Navy had gunships. The new 60's carry rockets and missiles but I'll be surprised if they're ever actually employed in that capacity. Nice find.
    6. Typhon1390

      Any INGOers listen to hiphop/rap? This is guy is independent and relatively new. The lyrics aren't your typical and are worth listening to.
    7. Typhon1390

      M&P 9c Apex Question

      Yeah, get DCAEK with RAM. You'll have a reset that is audible and noticeable, while not being overly so. I have both in my M&P40c and couldn't be happier with it.
    8. Typhon1390

      Co-Worker attacked because of road rage

      I saw that same Facebook post. Didn't the victim brake check them pretty hard essentially running them off the road? Following him home and assaulting him is obviously out of line, but I'm not super sympathetic and I'd be lying if a small part of me didn't smile at the thought. Brake checking...
    9. Typhon1390

      American Guns rip off

      Yeah Vitamink's synopsis is spot on. I especially hate how he always grabs people's guns out of their hands right after they shoot as well. But yeah really it's just like every other stupid reality show, on there for ratings. For me it's just like watching aviation shows where they talk about...
    10. Typhon1390

      "decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling"

      I see nothing partisan or trite about remembering those who gave all defending their country. For me, it will be a day off flight training spent with friends. I can't promise we won't have any fun, but we will remember the fallen and their families.
    11. Typhon1390

      walther p22 junk?

      I know others have had good experience with theirs, but in my personal experience I'd have to say it's junk. I've owned two. The first always had feeding problems, even with buying new mags. It also once somehow put a casing in the barrel, chambered a round behind it, and fired...thankfully I...
    12. Typhon1390

      M&P9c vs Shield

      I was debating the same thing pretty much. I think I've reached my decision but haven't pulled the trigger yet. I've been appendix carrying an M&P40c IWB. That works fine in cooler months in jeans, but in the Summer in shorts and a t-shirt it's a little risky. I finally got to hold a Shield in...
    13. Typhon1390

      You folks in Indiana don't know how lucky you are.

      I'm glad to have had the opportunity to check out other places through the military, but yeah so far living in TN, FL, and TX I've certainly come to appreciate IN. Not only are the laws more restrictive in each of these states, but there's surprisingly not any place good to shoot. I'd have...
    14. Typhon1390

      Finally watched Firefly

      You can have her. Inara is who I'm looking at. I somehow missed it when it was on the air too, but loved it when I saw it. In the same vein I completely missed Battlestar Galactica while it was on the air and ended up loving its first couple seasons. Somehow really good stuff like that has a...
    15. Typhon1390

      Any Coast guard people here?

      Recruiters say lots of things, but my Army recruiter in high school said he could guarantee me Warrant Officer Candidate School before signing. I ended up going with the Navy ROTC scholarship though and am in flight school for them right now. I'd second the Academy. If he wants to be a pilot...
    16. Typhon1390

      I Met the Biggest Punk in Monroe County Today

      I was considering posting a similar thread, but I'll just share two unbelievable experiences I've had recently here. Some people really are too dumb to be a part of society.. First, I was pumping gas at the corner of a busy intersection leaving the beach the other day. This Mustang comes flying...
    17. Typhon1390

      M&P Shield Night Sights Suggestions

      I'm considering replacing my M&P40c with a 9mm M&P Shield mainly out of concealability concerns here in soon to be smoldering hot south Texas. I want the same carry set up as my 40c though. I'm happy to find Apex Tactical close to having trigger modifications ready and Comptac ready with kydex...
    18. Typhon1390

      The Tilted Kilt

      They have a pretty decent beer selection too. I want to say at least a dozen imports on tap. I'm a fan.
    19. Typhon1390

      Another question for Military folks

      This. Like you, I decided at a young age "what I wanted to be" and for me it was to be a Naval Aviator and fly fighters. I haven't yet earned that, but am an instrument and multi-engine rated commercial pilot now at Navy flight school. My advice to anyone pursuing a flight slot, or any other...
    20. Typhon1390

      WTS: Walther P22 Target (4 in. barrel) OD Green $250

      TRADED. Selling a recently purchased great condition Walther P22 target pistol in OD Green. I actually accidentally left the box where I'm stationed in Florida. So with that in mind, I'm asking $250 for a like new P22 with 2 mags. Transaction is FTF in the Indianapolis area (preferably south...
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