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  • cubby
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    • Yup, got it day before I left for some training. Just got home. The scales on the bar are amazing!
      Got the knife today. Really nice work! Hopefully I will be sending you some more business.
      Ha! I should have stopped by your table at the 1500, but I got too irritated and left early. Thanks for the rep.
      i don't know how to rep you sir but i want to make sure you knew that i think your a very good guy sir based off you offering to donate a custom knife of yours to the guy who got ripped off. that is very awesome of you sir
      congrats on the Ti, the "f22" stuff from what I understand is a "satin weave" and has a wider weave and is more aesthetically pleasing to me.
      hey you wouldn't happen to know where a homeboy could find f22 carbon fiber do you?
      What days are best? If it's during the week, I would have to head up after work, if its a weekend, I am usually pretty open (Actually I am usually working on or around the house, but could take a break). Let me know what is best for you.
      That's OK, Cubby. You had said something about some files, material and such and were going to mail it. I had offered to pay you a visit and save you the postage. I was mainly hoping to visit and get some tips. Don't worry about it, I know you are busy. We'll hook up some day.
      Thanks Cubby for your response...., Looks like I've got an awful lot to learn about the knife world.
      My dad when he was living used to collect Case pocket knives. Seems like he was always discussing knives with someone. Too bad I never really paid any attention to his discussions.
      Is there any kind of reading material I could get that would kind of get me somewhat up to speed in the world of pocket knives? Or maybe an internet forum of some kind?
      Thank you sir for your follow up.
      I've got a question and you seem to be quite knowledgeable on this, and this isn't directly in line with my original post.
      I'm considering a new pocket folder and right now I'm strongly leaning to a Camillus Heat 3.65. It's a Daniel Ralph design. I've also heard (can't remember where) that at one time, Camillus made knives for the military.
      To your knowledge, would this be a good everyday carry knife?
      Thanks again for your input.
      Cubby, I'll try to give you a call this week to hammer out the details on my knife design. I've had a crazy couple of weeks!!!
      Some kids thought they needed my knives more than I did and stole the best ones. Send me an email address and I will try to send you some pics of whats left. I got a new job about 7 years ago and it killed my spare time. I have a new job now and I need to start over. I moved out all the blacksmith stuff and moved in 2 lathes and a mill. There is no room. I need to buy a building.
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